Sunday, December 28, 2008

Black Holes and Revelations

Ok, so I've been reflecting on what has been an epic 2008 - for this country, and personally, for me. As a nation we have witnessed esctatic highs (Election Night comes to mind) and devastating lows (got work?).

My own little world got rocked hard, projecting me to dizzying heights then hurling me into terrifying depths. I'm relieved that I'm ending the year on an upswing.
But I need to make changes for 2009. I've reached a point where I'm ready to stop putting things off for "when I'm older" and get serious about some goals. Nothing lofty, just some stuff that's been on the "to do" list for long enough and now the time just feels right. I'm not going to pontifcate on what those tasks are. Most of them will probably be addressed in this blog eventually anyway. But the one challenge I'm taking on right away is to write more. Like, every day. I love to write, and I don't do it as often as I should. That's pretty stupid. So I am calling bullshit on myself. Starting today, this tiny corner of the web will be my only online presence in an effort to practice recording insights and observations - however useless, meandering, vapid, common, high-minded, pompous, self-absorbed, quirky, dark, sarcastic or earnest they may be.

So as of January 1st, 2009 I will be deleting my MySpace page and using this space exclusively. Maybe some of my friends will check in from time to time - that would be cool. This is an exercise in discipline to make myself a better writer, so I will do my part and update several times a week to provide fresh content. Feedback is not only welcome, it is encouraged. Mind you, I'm not striving to be Hemingway. I'm just putting my ramblings on random shit out in the universe for anyone to browse. If you got an opinion on a topic, shout it out. If you disagree with my POV, say so. It's all good.

Let's get this party started...

1 comment:

  1. I suppose this is the closest thing we have to "purge" ourselves. Its like deciding to hang out at the coffee shop instead of the bar. good on you, girlie...

